Two Years Since My Big Chop: My Hair Regimen!

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This week marks 2 years that I walked into a Barber Shop in London and asked the barber to “Just Shave it all off!” Two things I am super sporadic international flights and figuring out logistics later and My Hair! I have Big Chopped 3 times and have never regretted it! This time around I gave myself several pep talks to not cut my hair and actually see how long it could grow.  Little did I know I would become more fixated on healthy hair than growth.  My hair is the healthiest it has been because I have been consistent with my hair regimen.  I love sharing my routine with folks so keep on  scrolling to hear more about my hair care over the past 2 years! 

What is your hair type?

I have 2 curl patterns in my hair.  My hair is 3C in the back and 4A in the front. The back of my head is wavy with loose curls that need the least amount of product.  The crown and front of my head my curls are a bit tighter and I generally have to put more product on them if I am doing a twist out or wash n go.  At the end of the day though, I dont think your “hair type” is something to get hung up on.  A lot of hair products give great guidance into which of their products would work best for your hair depending on your hair type.  Knowing your porosity and hair density  is most important because it can help you know how often to wash as well as how much moisture you need!  

What is your wash routine?

I know this might sound weird but I really enjoy wash day! It is my Friday evening self care time and I find it very peaceful and meditative. I am a stickler about washing my hair once a week to cleanse my hair and scalp and wash away any product build up.  Right now I am loving the Curl Quench + Coconut Oil shampoo and conditioner from Maui Moisture. Someone once asked me why do I condition and then deep condition? My reply was “I want to get all the moisture I can! I mean, who doesn’t love moisturized locks?!”  If you guys know me you know I preach about Deep Conditioning. I do believe it is what has made my hair so healthy and also helped it to grow.   Check out my go to deep conditioners here!   

How often do you do Protective Styles?

Every Week!  Very rarely do I wear my hair out.  Pre-Covid I would two strand twist it on Fridays once I completed my wash routine and leave it out over the weekend. By Sunday evening, it is going back in a protective style for the rest of the week.  Now that I am not going anywhere,  it is usually in a protective style every day. My protective styles are low buns, bantu knots, knotless braids, french twist or high puffs. I massage Jamaican Black Castor Oil into my scalp two times a week to keep it moisturized and healthy.  In the winter I especially try to keep my hair off my neck to keep it from breaking off due to wool scarves and coats.  

Do you get your hair professional trimmed and how often?

Since doing this big chop I have had my hair trimmed twice, one time each year.  I love going to get my hair professional trimmed. There is nothing like someone else massaging your scalp for you! Since this big chop I have not put any heat in my hair except for my diffuser if my hair isn’t dry enough from twisting it. I think it is pretty important to have professionals cut your hair at least once a year. They have the knowledge of hair care and are super helpful with preventing damage and breakage!

The million dollar question my friends and family keep asking me is “when are you cutting your hair again?” They know me so well and know I love a fresh funky cut or shaved head. If I make it to next June without doing a dramatic cut, I most definitely will have a celebration!

Thanks for reading Fam!