8 Fun things to do in your last trimester of pregnancy!

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As I look back over the last 9 months, I can honestly say I had a great pregnancy.  I really enjoyed seeing my belly grow and checking the What to Expect App  on the progress of my little one.  Even with Covid19 and being stuck at home, I still found fun activities and distractions to keep me busy!  In this post I share 8 Fun things I still did in my last trimester even during a pandemic!

Lets Dive in…

  1. Prepare for Labor 

    I have watched so many birth videos over the past few months I could write a book.  I gave myself daily pep talks and started following birthing pages on instagram that show labor and home births. Seeing countless strong beautiful mothers give birth gives me all the faith in the world that I know without a doubt I can do this!

    Most hospitals offer on-site birth classes but due to Covid 19 that was not an option.  We took a one day 8 hour birth class with Birth Smarter! It was so informative and a great way for us to bond and learn about the important details that need to happen on D-Day! We chose Birth Smarter because they had great reviews but also because they spent a lot of the course discussing unmedicated vaginal births and that is what, in a perfect world, I want.

    By understanding all of the details of what will happen once labor begins gave me a sense of calm and removed so much fear I had over the past few months.

  2. Finish your registry

    I had a little too much fun doing my registry. I am registered at Buy Buy Baby ! It was so easy to set up.  We went into Buy Buy Baby for a consultation when I was 20 weeks along (the day of our anatomy scan and when we found out we were having a boy!).  We had a guided tour and walked through the store with the scanner to scan items we needed as well as items they recommended.  We also got to test out strollers, highchairs and carseats.  

    I advise taking your time doing your registry. Read all of the reviews, do your research and ask your mom friends!

    This also gives you plenty of time to decide certain things:

    Will you co-sleep or use a bassinet?

    What kind of diaper bag is best for you?

    Will you breastfeed or formula feed? 

    Once you know these answers, you have a better idea of what to put on your registry.  

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3. Eat All The Things

I ate everything in site and had no shame AT ALL. Ask yourself, when will you be completely guilt free eating ice cream with cookies and a Coke for breakfast again? I had no health risk such as preeclampsia or gestational diabetes during my pregnancy and my blood pressure was on the lower end the entire pregnancy so I treated myself. I made sure to stay hydrated drinking 2 Liters of water a day as well as coconut water daily for the electrolytes. I ate tons of fruit but I also did not neglect myself of cravings. Pizza, Ice Cream Sandwiches, Doritos, donuts and french fries were heavy in rotation and I am so glad I did. I enjoyed every single bite!

4. Clean Clean and Clean some more aka Nesting!

I know what you are thinking. Cleaning is not fun. My nesting instinct definitely kicked in around 34 weeks. Something about preparing for a new little human coming home made me go into hyper cleaning mode. I used natural cleaning products and disinfectant spray and made sure that I wasn’t using harsh chemicals.  

As I was cleaning, I took it down to baby level and thought of the places he would be crawling or doing tummy time etc so I washed baseboards and the corners that I sometimes neglect to clean.    Besides cleaning, I did all the laundry and washed the clothes that were from the registry.  I switched over to natural detergent for both myself and for baby! 

5. Start Blogging or Journaling

I have had a journal from age 10.  I love being able to look back at the things I wrote in my teens and twenties. 

I started a new journal when I became pregnant to share with him when he is  old enough to read.  

I started blogging around 5 months pregnant even though none of my blogs at that time were about being pregnant. Blogging is a great way to share your ideas, thoughts and experiences with your readers! It is also a great way to build an audience of like minded readers and potentially become a source of extra income.

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All the sleep.  This last trimester, I was extremely exhausted so getting in sleep was not too hard. Go to sleep early, Sleep in Late, Take 5 naps in one day! I was pretty uncomfortable at night to get a full nights sleep so I took several naps throughout the day.  I had my Pregnancy Pillow that my friend bought for me in my first trimester along with The Boppy Pregnancy Wedge to put between my legs to help with the pressure on my hips. Take advantage of this sleep because once baby comes, your restful nights are over!


Moms love talking about being moms!   From retelling their birth story to the must have items to the items that are a waste of money (like baby-wipes warmers), moms know their stuff.  My best friend basically started my registry for me of the things she knew worked.  They are all so helpful and want to help you! I am blessed to have a great circle of Mom Friends with children under 3 so everything is still fresh for them. Not only did I talk to mom friends but I made sure to FaceTime with a lot of my friends and family because I knew once baby arrives, my time will be limited.


We played Uno, binged watched movies, talked, argued, had sexy time, slept in, built the crib, ordered tons of take out, cooked and just CHILLED.  It will be a long time before we get to pretty much waste a day doing anything we wanted so we took advantage of our time together. We really enjoyed our time of just the two of us.

That should give you some fun and creative things to do in your last trimester of pregnancy! Have more great ideas? Please leave your comment and be sure to follow me on Pinterest!