9 Months Postpartum!

9 Months Postpartum!.png

It is hard to believe that 9 months have passed since I had a baby! It has been a wild 9 months filled with happiness, tears, joy, sadness and A LOT of laughter.  Being a new mother has been one of the biggest life lessons I have learned and I am excited to continue growing and learning! 

I just knew by now I would have my pre baby body back and fitting back into my old jeans!  Boy was I wrong.  I fell into the pressure to bounce back to where I used to be before getting pregnant. The reality is that once you have made a human, your body will never be what it was before. My new hips can tell you that!

It is a hard pill to swallow and can take a long time to adjust.  They don’t tell you the day you will Mourn the loss of your old body. It hits differently for everyone but one way or another it will hit you. It may be when you catch a glance of yourself walking past the mirror or when you are putting on your bra and notice how lopsided your boobs are from breast feeding.   Society puts the pressure on mothers to be super heroes. Snap back, lose the weight, go back to work, keep your home clean, be a good partner, get some selfceare in, and, oh yea, be a phenomenal mother on top of all of that! I am learning to ignore society and make my own rules and it is helping take the stress off!

I know how strong and badass I am for creating life (and mothering in the middle of a pandemic). I am learning to be present and accepting with where I am right now. I am not back to where I was with pole and dancing yet but the journey back has been a humbling one!

To all the new mothers out there, give yourself grace. You are doing better than you think! Screw what society tells you you should look like and feel like! If you haven’t worked out since before having a baby, its fine. If you bounced back right away that’s fine too! If you are not feeling like yourself, go talk to your doctor. All in All, be kind to yourself because this mothering thing does not come with a handbook and we are all learning new things every day!


Thanks for reading fam!
