What I Learned This Month

Blog September .JPG

September has always been my favorite month! It's my birthday month, the start of Autumn and the beginning of sweater weather! So much has happened to me this month and I can say I have discovered things about myself that I never knew I had in me.  Becoming a mother is life changing and learning to take life one day at a time has become my M.O.

You can't do it all!

 I am guilty of the “super woman” complex thinking I need to do it all.  I quickly learned I can’t.  I can’t do laundry, breastfeed, clean the kitchen, write blogs, run a business, create content and have dinner ready.  I am very Type A and like things to go a certain way.  With a newborn, all that goes out the window very quickly.  The laundry will get folded some day this week. Maybe I will unload the dishwasher or maybe I will just get dishes out of the dishwasher as needed until its time to load it again.  WHO CARES!   Thankfully, I have an amazing partner!  We  started to develop a system and routine that works for us! From taking turns changing diapers to him doing morning feedings so I can go on my morning walks, things are flowing and it feels good

Listen to your body

My Back gave out and it completely took me out.  Looking back now, the signs were there. Not enough sleep, holding a baby all day, breastfeeding, Baby wearing and always hunched over not thinking about my posture. I learned to listen to my body and what it needs! Get the body work. Take a nap. Soak in the tub. Having a baby is just the beginning. Being gentle with your body after giving birth and start to rebuild it day by day.  

The nursery can wait

In a perfect world I was going to do a big Nursery reveal with the details of where I bought every item and the idea behind the  theme.  Yea...No. The nursery has become the “clothes that needs to be folded” room. He isn’t sleeping in there anyway so I finally let it go and said It will be done by the time he sleeps in there! 

It really does take a village

My mom came at the beginning of the month to help out for two weeks. It took us a few days to get in a groove but I am so happy she was here!  We have been blessed to have friends that are around the corner and can come help out. From watching the baby so we can have date night to staying with him so I can go get body work, I couldn’t have asked for a better circle! People actually do want to help. You just have to decide if you will let them be there for you! 

Postpartum hair loss is real

Holy Moly! Every time I wash my hair I say a prayer. My hair was poppin when I was pregnant! So full and healthy, I was definitely feeling myself. Now, it comes out in clumps and there is nothing I can do about it.  Every mom I have talked to said “you pretty much just have to ride it out” Insert sad emoji! I am taking my vitamins but at the end of the day it is what it is. 

Cheap V-Neck T-shirts are life

Easy to pop a boob out on command and cute enough to wear with anything. I said cheap because I am amazed at how much spit up gets on EVERY shirt I wear. Save yourself some money because you will probably end up getting rid of them once the spit up stops! 

When all is said and done, I am getting better and learning not to sweat the small stuff because so many other things matter!