Checklist for a REALISTIC Morning Routine!

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In order to keep my sanity, I have to have routine in my life! Starting my morning off on a good foot sets the tone for the entire day! When the morning run smoothly, everything else falls into place (most times!). 
It took me a few years to get this routine down and now being a work from home Mom, I have to be sure things are in place so I can have some level of success in my day to day life! More than anything I am realistic with my routine and give a lot of space for things to just “Happen” like the dog having the poops or the baby being extra clingy because of teething.   

Here are my tips for navigating mornings with less stress!

I partnered with Bob’s Red Mill and I am excited to share my favorite Breakfast items made by them!

  1. Get a good night sleep

Do I get a full 8 hours of sleep at night? HA! No. I average around 6.5 hours of sleep at night but I make sure they are restful. Prioritizing sleep is something you can not skip on if you want your mornings to work.  Winding down at night  doing my skincare routine and putting my phone away at least 30 minutes before going to bed helps me a great deal. I also no matter what do not check to see what time it is if I wake up in the middle of the night because it stressful knowing I only have so much time left for sleep before having to start my day. 

2. Wake up before the rest of the house

I wake up 30-60 minutes before my house does. It is my alone time. I have time to myself if I want to stretch, have coffee, workout or just sit in silence! Waking up to the sound of the baby crying was literally giving me headaches every day because I felt rushed and like I didn't have a handle on the day. Now I have time to mentally prepare for anything that comes! If you are not a morning person try setting an alarm 15 minutes earlier every day for a week or two and slowly build up to 30-45 minutes! 

3. Write out your to do list (keep it short!)

There is nothing more satisfying than when you make a to do list and you knock everything off the list. I keep the list short! 5-7 things each day! I focus on the MUST DO things first that relate to work and then move on to Mom/House related things. 

4. Move your body at least 30 minutes

Movement is medicine. Getting in 30 minutes of physical activity in the am gets my heart rate pumping and gives me endorphins to get through the day! Whether it is walking, lifting weights or yoga, moving in the morning can be beneficial to your health and productivity. 


One thing that I keep consistent no matter what happens is eating breakfast! I learned very early on that running on empty is a ticking time bomb of headaches, brain fog and lethargy waiting to happen! I have been enjoying my Bob’s Red Mill Oatmeal cups daily.  Fresh and Flavorful the oatmeal cups are convenient and quick! My favorite is the Brown Sugar and Maple Gluten free cups. Their special recipe mixes clean, simple ingredients to create a hearty gluten and dairy free breakfast that can go wherever your day takes you!  to work, the gym, outdoor adventures and more. The addition of flax and chia seeds makes it even more nutritious and filling in every cup! Just add water and put in the microwave for 1 minute and breakfast is ready! 

6. Shower and put on real clothes

I know, I know. Who wants to do it if you don’t really need to do it? You do my friend. Taking a shower, washing your hair and putting on mascara can make a world of difference in how you feel. There is nothing like a hot shower to make you feel like a million bucks. We all need alone time in the bathroom! Don’t treat a shower like self care or a special treat...You deserve to shower daily! 

7. Clean as you go

If you are like me, you like your house to be tidy. By the end of the day, you are to exhausted to do it all.  Small things like putting the dishes in the dishwasher after using and wiping off the kitchen counter top can save time in the evenings. Some days I will set a timer for 10 minutes to straighten up anything from the bathroom to the bedroom. You will be amazed at how much you can do in 10 minutes.

What does your morning routine look like? If you do not have one I can tell you it has really saved me and my sanity! Share your best tips for a calmer morning in the comments!

Thanks for reading fam!